Statement from Arkansas Farm Bureau President Dan Wright

Arkansas Farm Bureau President Dan Wright commented on Sen. John Boozman’s release of the Senate Ag Committee Republicans framework for the farm bill today. The document prioritizes the farm safety net, expanding overseas markets, research and growing rural communities. See details of the framework in full here:

“We are excited to see the framework presented by Sen. John Boozman and the Senate Republicans. We appreciate the Senator and his staff’s commitment to this important work. We believe this proposal delivers what we have asked for, which is more “farm” in the Farm Bill.

“This framework outlines the need for a modern safety net that reflects the risks of meeting the demands of feeding our nation and much of the world.

“We look forward to working with the Arkansas delegation and the rest of Congress to get a Farm Bill passed this year, and bringing some certainty to Arkansas agriculture and the farmers and ranchers of this great country.”